A Crude Look at Nano-Particle Technology

The most common question heard from customers revolves around “Nano-Particle Technology” – as found in our Nano-Particle Tincture Monk Fruit Sugar, and Bath Bombs – and how it works so well, when other CBDs have failed to hit the mark.  Hang around CBD enthusiasts long enough and you will often hear phrases like “water-soluble” and “bioavailability” While they may sound promising; most of us may not know how that is beneficial to our wellness. My hope is that by the end of this blog post, you will have a firmer grasp on nanotechnology and how it can drastically improve the effectiveness of CBD in our bodies. Good news is, I am in no way qualified to use big fancy science words like hydrophilic and lipophobic so I will keep this as simple as possible.  Consider this, Nano 101. 


Nano-Particle Technology sounds like something out of a futuristic sci-fi novel, but Nano isn’t new. In fact, there’s evidence that nanotechnology was used as far back as 600 BC in pottery. However, the type of technology we will be discussing was first developed in the late 1980’s and has been used in the pharmaceutical world for decades to improve the performance of certain drugs. Nanotechnology breaks a compound down into micro-particles, thousands of times smaller than their original form. There are many uses for this technology, and it just so happens that when applied to cannabinoids (CBD is one of the many cannabinoids found in the hemp plant) we see a substantial improvement in performance thanks to two major, easy to understand, factors:


Let’s begin with the basics. CBD is an oil, and human being are, to put it simply, water. One of the major issues with standard CBD is that it tends to repel water molecules that seek to bind with it. This is not ideal for human use as we are made up of mostly water, and the systems that benefit most from CBD prefer to be fueled by water-friendly compounds. The dirty secret about CBD is when ingested orally most of the cannabinoids pass through our digestive system entirely, never reaching the blood stream, thus, resulting in little or no effect. So, if you have ever used CBD and said, “I feel like nothing is happening!” there is a good chance you were right!  Good news is, by breaking down CBD molecules to nanoparticle size, scientists found that they shed their rain gear, so to speak, and bind incredibly well to water. This is what turns CBD, a usually rather difficult particle for your water-filled body to accept, into a much more useful substance.

When we say that our Nano-Particle Full Spectrum Hemp Extract is “water-soluble” not only does that mean you are able to add it to food and drink without the worry of it separating; but, your body’s systems are more able to utilize the CBD and not simply digest it out. That’s a win-win! 

Better Absorption

 The second major benefit of Nano-Particle CBD is how easily it passes into the bloodstream. Due to the size of the standard CBD compound, and its stubbornness to bind with water, nearly 70% of the molecules can be lost through digestion without ever providing any benefit. When broken down into micro-particles, upwards of 99% of the beneficial molecules bypass digestion and reach the bloodstream, resulting in more consistent dosing that you can trust. When you see a nano-particle product with a lower CBD milligram content, know that there is a chance that product works as well as a standard CBD tincture 3x’s as strong. 

Fast Acting

Another benefit of bypassing digestion is the speed by which Nano-Particle CBD reaches the blood and begins the healing process. Standard CBD can take over 60 minutes to begin working in the body, as it must travel the entire digestive tract before it enters the blood. Nano, on the other hand enters the bloodstream almost immediately, through the mucosal lining, allowing the cannabinoids to begin working within just a few heartbeats. This makes the user experience much more predictable, as you will know what dosage works for you within just a few minutes.  

At the end of the day, there is still much research to be done on this incredible plant; but nanotechnology has proven to be an ideal method of delivering healing cannabinoids to our body quickly and effectively. 

Consider trying one of our many Nano-Particle products, and feel the difference for yourself. 


Feeding the Soil


National CBD Day